Saturday, February 27, 2010

Ap Bio Cellular Respiration Answer AP Bio Questions On Cellular Energetics. Please Help?

AP Bio questions on Cellular Energetics. Please help? - ap bio cellular respiration answer

I need help with some questions that I for HW. It would be great if some of you can help me to serve some of these reactions.

What is the role of ATP in coupling of anabolic and catabolic processes of the cell?
How Chemiosmosis in bioenergetics?
As organic molecules are broken down by catabolic pathways?
What is the role of oxygen in the process of energy production?
How cells create ATP without oxygen?
How does photosynthesis convert light into chemical energy?
What is the difference between absorption spectra and action?
Compare and C4, C3 and CAM photosynthesis.
As the chemical reactions that case, the light on the synthesis of carbohydrates are linked?
What kind of photosYNTHETIC adjustments in response to different environmental conditions develop?
What interactions exist between photosynthesis and cellular respiration?
Describe the process of aerobic and anaerobic respiration.
What affects rates of respiration and photosynthesis?

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